Tips for Backpacking Travel Through Europe

Backpacking through Europe is every young adult’s dream. Taking the time to explore the world can be one of the greatest experiences ever. However, if you are not prepared for that kind of a trip, it could be the worst thing you ever did. There are a few tips for backpacking travel through Europe that every young adventurer should know.

Before packing your bags you should first decide how intend to travel to Europe in the first place. The most common mode of transportation is by plane. If you are not sure how long you intend to stay, then you should buy an open ticket. Buying an open ticket is the only way to go when you are planning a backpacking trip across Europe. Having an open ticket allows you some leeway and it gives you more time if you need it.

There are so many people who go over to Europe who have purchased a return ticket only to find that they want to stay longer but now they can’t because they will lose their ticket. You can purchase open tickets from the airline or travel agencies for a period of time that can last up to a year. This means that you have one year to complete your trip and it gives you a lot of time to travel to all the places that you want to see. Open tickets are also cheaper in price than a return ticket. This is great for the person who is on a strict budget.

Getting to Europe is only half the battle. Once in Europe will have to travel around and the most common form of transportation in Europe is via rail. This means that you will have to purchase what is known as a rail pass. This pass allows you to travel a number of times for one low price. This passes do tend to be a bit expensive, but once you get in Europe you will soon find that this is only way to go if you are planning to do a lot of long distance travel or frequent travel as buying a ticket each time can be quite costly.

A very important tip for backpacking across Europe is to look ahead and book your train rides. Depending on where you are traveling from and what your destination is, you may need to book ahead. There would be nothing worse than planning a trip to see something only to find out you cannot get on the train. This could throw your whole trip off.

Also, when you book your train you should also look into finding a place to stay. People often assume that if they are planning on staying in hostels then they don’t need to book a room. This is absolutely wrong. Hostels work the same way as hotels. They are cheaper in price, but you need to book ahead. When staying in a hostel you have to think about what type of room you want as well. Hostels have small two person rooms, but they also have large rooms that hold eight to ten people at a time. If you are not comfortable with sharing a room, then you should either book a small room or you should consider booking a room in a hotel.

No backpacking trip through Europe would be complete without a guidebook. The leader in tour guidebooks is Fromer’s. Fromer’s tells you everything you need to know about where to stay, what to eat and how to travel. This book can give you detailed information about what you should see while in Europe and the cheapest way to see it. No back packer should leave home without it.

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