Finding Time and the Benefits of Exercising

Why Exercise?

The following is an annotated list of female celebrities who are among the ranks of beautiful people who tone their bodies with exercising: Demi Moore, Britney Spears, Jennifer Garner, Charlize Theron, and Jessica Simpson. The benefits of exercising now extend far beyond looking and feeling good. And with the kind of busy lifestyle most of us are accustomed to, a regular exercise program is what we need for balance and coordination.

In the early days, regular exercise could only be done in the gyms or health clubs and there were standard ways to do it. But with the birth of alternative sports and exercise instructions such as mountain-hiking, rock-climbing, yoga, dancing, pilates, and belly-dancing, more and more men and women are becoming health-conscious these days.

Dr. Awi Curameng wrote in an edition of Health Today: Exercise increases cardiovascular fitness, or the ability of the heart and blood vessels to pump blood and supply life-giving oxygen to the entire body. It increases muscle size and strength, which in turn increases the body’s ability to burn calories and fat, keeping one trim and healthy.

The benefits of regular exercise on an individuals’ state of fitness and mind are truly overwhelming. Exercising does not only keep one fit, it also treats diseases and improves lifestyle conditions.

Exercise to strengthen your bones
If you want to help protect your bones, then exercise regularly for it can build bone strength and help slow bone loss. Try jogging for 30 minutes everyday and you will notice a change in your physical performance. With regular exercise you can likewise avoid chances of acquiring osteoporosis, a condition of bone characterized by excessive porosity, or bone-tissue reduction.

Say Goodbye to Stress
Camille Bunting, a Texas A&M associate kinesiology professor said this in the March 2002 edition of Allure Magazine: The better your level of physical fitness, the better your body is able to handle stress. This hypothesis came about after researchers at Texas A&M and Duke Universities studied 15 participants in a nine-day Outward Bound wilderness adventure program. Lead researcher Bunting measured the stress hormones of the participants through their urine as the trip began and after the program. The program included backpacking, rock climbing, whitewater canoeing and ropes course. After the program, levels of norepinephrine (associated with physical stress) and epinephrine (associated with mental stress) were measured. And both increased significantly.

Exercise burns off the fat and gets rid of some illnesses
Doing a lot of exercise can help prevent some diseases. Obesity, the excessive accumulation of body fat and one of the most common metabolic problems, is due to lack of physical activity and poor dietary habits. One of most effective treatments of obesity would be to engage in a habit of exercise that will reduce the calorie intake. Even patients with diabetes are treated with a regular fitness program as part of their therapy. No one then can disclaim the fact that exercise is the key to a longer and healthier life.

It definitely takes commitment to look good, be in shape and live healthy. It may be physically draining and may take a while to attune yourself to the requisite effort of staying fit, but if the result is rewarding, the formula is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. While there are many benefits to exercising, before starting any exercise program, always be sure to first consult a doctor.

Finding the Time in even the Busiest Schedules

If you are ready to start an exercise program but concerned that you just don’t have the time, think again. The following ten tips will have you working up a sweat several times each week.

Tip 1 – Be prepared
Pack a gym bag and keep in on hand. If a meeting is cancelled or you have a few extra minutes don your sneakers and hit the nearest trail or sidewalk. This tip works best if you don’t fall into all or nothing thinking. So you can’t do an hour at the gym today? Isn’t a short run better than nothing at all?

Tip 2 – Consider a home exercise program
Get the right equipment. You don’t have to run out and purchase the latest and most expensive exercise gear and/or equipment. You could simply invest in a good pair of running or walking shoes, an exercise ball a treadmill or jump rope. Keep the equipment out where you can see it. Exercising at home gives you a great deal of flexibility as you can do it anytime.

Tip 3 – Divide the time
Break your exercise down into several short periods. Ten minutes here and there can add up and offer the same benefits of a longer workout session.

Tip 4 – Get family and friends involved
Feel guilty about neglecting the people in your life to hit the gym? Why not include them for fitness and fun? Hit the hiking trails on the weekends or pull out the bikes. You might even take a long walk. If you have little ones buy or borrow a jog stroller. Everyone will enjoy the fresh air and the opportunity to spend time together.

Tip 5 – Don’t forget your lunch hour
Take time to sharpen the saw by getting in a workout during your lunch break. Scout the health clubs or parks in the area and plan a daily jog or walk. You might also consider exercising immediately after work before you become involved in other activities. Enlist a friend to help you honor your work out dates.

Tip 6 – Rise a little earlier
Sometimes it just doesn’t seem that there are enough hours in the day. If you can manage it, get up an hour or so earlier to get your exercise in. It may be difficult at first but will get easier with time.

Tip 7 – Review your priorities
Are you spending time on things that are no longer important to you? If so, eliminate outdated obligations and fill the time with your new priorities such as exercise.

Tip 8 – Think of exercise as a social activity
Probably not the usual first date but a mountain hike can be a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, stay in shape, and save a few bucks.

Tip 9 – Foot it
Leave the car at home when you can and let your feet take you where you need to go.

Tip 10 – Count movement
You don’t need to be in sweats to get some exercise in you just have to move. Wear a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps throughout each day. You can get there easily by taking the stairs, getting up to change the channel, pacing at work while you take calls or taking a short walk around the office every hour or so. You will clear your head and burn a few calories to boot.

Finding time to exercise can be a challenge, but with a little creativity and flexibility you will soon be on your way to a work out plan that works for you.

Categories Fitness & Exercise

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