How do you raise confident and happy children? There are many theories about this on the bookshelf, on the internet, and from people, but what are some things that you can do to help your child gain self-esteem and be as happy as possible? Raising happy and well-adjusted children should be our main goal in life. Well-adjusted children … Continue reading Raising Happy and Confident Children
Category: Family & Relationships
Family and relationships are crucial aspects of human life. Building and maintaining strong relationships with family members and loved ones is essential for emotional well-being. Effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect are some of the key elements that foster healthy and fulfilling relationships.
Keeping A Marriage Strong and Healthy
Keeping your marriage strong is essential in today’s time. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce, which makes it even more important to learn how to keep your marriage healthy and thriving. Marriage is hard work when you consider you are bringing two people together who have different feelings, thoughts, and values to live together for … Continue reading Keeping A Marriage Strong and Healthy
Spending Quality Time with the Family
As parents we strive to support our families both financially and emotionally. It is easy to lose sight of our priorities when our careers demand so much of us. Granted, each one of us must make a living to support our families, but we must also take into consideration our family’s emotional well-being. By setting aside time for … Continue reading Spending Quality Time with the Family
Quality Time With Your Children
If you have children, then I am sure that you wonder if you are doing enough for them. Are you spending enough quality time with them doing healthy activities or is it more of the quantity time spent in front of the television? Television is a major part of family activities these days, but we all need … Continue reading Quality Time With Your Children
Dealing With Your Problem Teen
Let’s face it, all of our children will one day reach those dreaded “Teen Years,” but by handling the problem teen correctly from the beginning, you may find these years more rewarding than trying. Putting aside certain emotional and physiological factors, many of the problems that parents experiences with their teens stem from the fact … Continue reading Dealing With Your Problem Teen
Relationships: Single Life — How is it?
Single life is choosing to live a life unattached whether temporarily or permanently. It could also mean deciding to dedicate a whole life for God’s vocation. The book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” from the author Joshua Harris had this to say about people at their crossroads: “If you’re not ready for marriage, wait on romance.” If you … Continue reading Relationships: Single Life — How is it?
Coping With Divorce
One thing to remember if you are going through a divorce is that divorce can happen to the best of people. No one expects to get a divorce, but there are times that situations beyond our control take charge and lead to a break up. If you are going through a divorce, you can make it … Continue reading Coping With Divorce
The Awkward Stage of Tweens — No longer Kids but not yet Teens
Parenting and Tweens Growing up can come sooner to the Tweens — the “no longer kids but not yet teens” of our society. They are the 10-15 year-olds who like to assume a bigger responsibility because they are too excited to be branded as “teens”. They hang out with their older siblings in order to feel accepted … Continue reading The Awkward Stage of Tweens — No longer Kids but not yet Teens
How to Relax and Enjoy Parenting
No doubt you’ve heard the expression, “parenting is the toughest job you’ll ever do.” Perhaps it sounds trite, or cliche, but its true. Children come to us with their own unique personalities and temperaments. What they do not come with are instruction manuals. If you are puzzling over parenting techniques take heart, all parents find themselves in … Continue reading How to Relax and Enjoy Parenting