Learn about earning, spending, saving, and investing money. Learn how they are related and how you can build wealth. Earning Do you have an allowance? Have you done chores and got paid? Do you have a job? If you have, then you have earned money. Earnings refer to the money you earn from a job. … Continue reading Earning, Spending, Saving (and Investing)
Category: Kids & Money
Our pages on Kids and Money are designed to provide valuable information on teaching children about personal finance and money management. Within this category, we cover a wide range of important topics, including allowances, kids earning money, starting their own businesses, and saving money for your kids. Additionally, we offer a variety of teaching materials, games, and activities to help kids learn essential money skills, money management, personal finance, and other critical life skills.
Needs and Wants
Needs and wants, what is the difference? Understanding the difference, between needs and wants, is crucial to good financial decision making. What is a Need? A need is a requirement, or essential item that is considered to be necessary for living. Examples include shelter, food and water, and clothing. These are essential for a person’s … Continue reading Needs and Wants
April is National Financial Literacy Month
April is Financial Literacy Month, and it’s a great time to help improve financial literacy for everyone, especially our youth. With our ever changing financial system, it is even more important that students have the opportunity to learn about personal finances, and how the financial system works. Integrating financial topics into your classroom is important. … Continue reading April is National Financial Literacy Month
Self-Confidence Boosts for Job-Searching Teens
Psyche Yourself Up to Get the Job You Want Looking for a job can be a disheartening thing for anyone at any age. This is especially true for you teenagers out there. It’s always hard to hear the word no or to see someone get a job you know you could do better. After hearing … Continue reading Self-Confidence Boosts for Job-Searching Teens
Student Checking Accounts: A Great Way to Teach Money Management
Student checking accounts may be one of the best ways to help a student, either high school or college bound, learn how to budget, account for, and manage their own funds. Here, we have information on student checking accounts. Also, see our our checking lessons section for some helpful teaching and learning worksheets and lessons. Student … Continue reading Student Checking Accounts: A Great Way to Teach Money Management
Allowances for Kids
An allowance — a certain amount of money given on a regular basis — is a great way to get kids to learn about the value of money while also learning basic money management skills. Its also a great way to teach responsibility and discipline. Here we provide information on giving an allowance to your … Continue reading Allowances for Kids
Business Ideas for Teens
You’ve wanted to apply for a job for a while now, but just can’t seem to get excited over working down at Mickey D’s even though you love their fries. And you’ve babysat until you feel about two years old yourself. And the thought of working at the mall makes your head ache. Fortunately teens don’t have … Continue reading Business Ideas for Teens
Kids Starting a Business
Starting a business is a great way for kids to learn real life skills and build confidence. To help your child’s success, have them follow the basic steps involved in starting a business by business professionals listed below. That will give them greater confidence and a better understanding of what they will need to do be … Continue reading Kids Starting a Business
Teens: Finding Your First Job
If you’re a teenager looking for your first job, a good place to start is in your own neighborhood. Many of your neighbors may have routine odd jobs like mowing the lawn, babysitting, even light housekeeping chores that you’d be perfect for. You may also want to look into retail jobs, food services (yes, that’s a fancy … Continue reading Teens: Finding Your First Job
Ways for Kids to Make Money
One day, your child will need to earn a living. Kids can get an edge on the work world by starting early and in doing so they will gain valuable experience working with different people, learning about managing money, have some money to spend once they get older, or save for college. A lemonade stand, mowing … Continue reading Ways for Kids to Make Money
Teaching Children and Teens about Money
It is never too early to learn about the value of money and how to budget and save. The earlier you can teach a child about earning interest versus paying it, the better prepared they will be to manage their own money. There are different degrees of knowledge and responsibility a child or teenager can … Continue reading Teaching Children and Teens about Money
When is an Allowance more than just Pocket Money?
Pocket money used to be just that; enough money for a child to reach into his or her pocket to buy child-sized items when they were on a rare shopping trip. The purchased items would be a few trifles such as single sweets or a cheap plastic toy and the whole point of pocket money was to demonstrate the benefits of delayed gratification and good money management.