If you own a car, no doubt you’ll understand when people sit around complaining about the cost of their car insurance. But, the fact is that the cost of you car insurance is going to depend as much on what type of car insurance you buy as it is on what insurance company you use … Continue reading Different Types of Auto Insurance
Category: Insurance
Insurance is an important aspect of managing risk and protecting against unexpected events that can have financial consequences. Our expert tips, advice, and resources provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate the complex world of insurance, from choosing the right policies and coverage to understanding premiums and deductibles. With our comprehensive resources, you’ll learn how to make informed decisions about insurance and ensure that you and your assets are properly protected.
Choosing the Right Level of Auto Insurance
There was a time when owning a vehicle was considered a luxury, but these days driving has become more of a necessity and therefore the number of autos on the road has increased greatly. With so many vehicles on the road, there has also been an increase in the number of accidents and collisions, not … Continue reading Choosing the Right Level of Auto Insurance
Health Savings Accounts (HSA) an Affordable Option
Healthcare costs are rising faster than incomes, and healthcare insurance is also becoming increasingly unaffordable. Census Bureau estimates indicate that 45 million Americans lack health insurance, and the number has been growing steadily every year. There are some options however, and many Americans have found a solution to the rising costs by combining high-deductible insurance … Continue reading Health Savings Accounts (HSA) an Affordable Option
Which Employee Health Benefit Plan is Right for Me?
Companies generally identify a period of time each year for Benefits Open Enrollment for their employees. Open Enrollment is a specified window of time for employees to make benefit elections for the coming year. If the Company uses a calendar year for benefits, and most do, the identified time for Open Enrollment is likely to be in … Continue reading Which Employee Health Benefit Plan is Right for Me?
Types of Family Health Insurance
To many of us, the health of our family is of paramount importance. However, if our employers do not already provide us with family health insurance then we need to start to think about how we can provide for the health of our family. In any such consideration the issue of basic family health insurance … Continue reading Types of Family Health Insurance
Be your own Best Friend when Buying Health Insurance
If you are self-employed, have lost a job due to termination or being laid off, or through a divorce, you are likely to be in the market for health insurance. Current estimates are that there are 45 million people in the United States who do not have health insurance. The reasons that people go without … Continue reading Be your own Best Friend when Buying Health Insurance
An Overview of Permanent Health Insurance Coverage
The health and well-being of yourself and your family is of the utmost importance, and like most people you probably don’t want to make any compromises or take any chances when it comes to protecting your health or that of your loved ones. Permanent health insurance coverage is an effective way to provide the whole … Continue reading An Overview of Permanent Health Insurance Coverage
Annuity Basics: Understanding how Annuities Work for You
An annuity may seem like something only the very wealthy venture into. It may seem too complex to be a part of your family financial plan. In reality an annuity can be a great savings option for anyone who would like to make the most of their long term savings that on their own don’t … Continue reading Annuity Basics: Understanding how Annuities Work for You
How to Save Money when Buying Insurance
“Insurance poor” is a term one often uses when complaining about the skyrocketing cost of premiums for health, life, auto, and home insurance. The total insurance bill for even a small family can quickly exceed $1,000 a month, putting financial pressure on the best of us–or worse yet, causing those experiencing financial hardship to do … Continue reading How to Save Money when Buying Insurance