Learn about the Social Security Administration’s recent update that makes accessing disability benefits easier. Discover how removing outdated job titles from evaluations leads to fairer and more accurate decisions. In today’s video, you will learn about the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) recent update that makes it easier to access disability benefits for SSI (Supplemental Security … Continue reading Social Security Update: Easier Access and Increased Disability Benefits for SSDI and SSI
Category: Health
Maintaining good health is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. Our expert tips, advice, and resources provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to develop and implement effective health strategies, from healthy eating and exercise to stress management and mental health care. With our help, you’ll be able to make positive changes to your lifestyle, improve your overall health and wellbeing, and enjoy a happier, more fulfilling life.
EBT and SNAP Update: What the 2024 Farm Bill Means for Your Benefits
Learn about the upcoming changes to SNAP, food stamp benefits, and the Farm Bill, and understand the impact these changes will have on food security in America. In this update, you’ll learn about the pivotal changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps, under the upcoming Farm Bill, which significantly … Continue reading EBT and SNAP Update: What the 2024 Farm Bill Means for Your Benefits
Sugar 101: Diet, Health, and Nutrition
Sugar is a readily accessible and cheap source of energy; it is also one of the most commonly used ingredients for flavoring. The word sugar evokes images of fine crystalline packed with sweet flavor sprinkled generously over deserts and beverages; or a powdery substance coating pastries and other baked goods. But what exactly is sugar? … Continue reading Sugar 101: Diet, Health, and Nutrition
How to know if you’re Lactose Intolerant: What are your Options?
In the past, being lactose intolerant relegated the afflicted individual to a life devoid of some of the simpler pleasures; ice cream, milk with chocolate chip cookies and grilled cheese sandwiches. But, not anymore. Those who are lactose intolerant are now provided with a wide array of food choices, lactose pills and alternative options. So, how do … Continue reading How to know if you’re Lactose Intolerant: What are your Options?
Cancer Prevention — Diet and Exercise
Jennifer’s family has a history of cancer. Her grandmother and great-aunt on her mother’s side had breast cancer, and her aunt on her father’s side had stomach cancer. While Jennifer’s parents are currently cancer-free, she worries that they will eventually have to battle the disease. She also wonders whether she might be the next in … Continue reading Cancer Prevention — Diet and Exercise
Varicose Veins — Treatments and Causes
Varicose veins can wreak havoc on a person’s self-image, especially when the warm weather arrives and shorts come out of the closet. Varicose veins can best be described as twisted and enlarged veins that stand out from the surface of the skin. They can be unsightly and embarrassing in some cases, but in others, varicose veins are … Continue reading Varicose Veins — Treatments and Causes
Hidden Truth about Bulimia
Nineteen-year-old Cheska thought it was the easiest way to loose those unwanted pounds. It seemed more logical. This way, no one will know her little secret since she seems normal. She was eating right. But when the doors are closed, it is another story. “I started purging when I was fourteen. I was a sophomore … Continue reading Hidden Truth about Bulimia
Natural Therapies to turn your SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Days into Better Days
SAD in long form is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. This problem is most common during the winter months when there is lack of direct sunlight and normally recedes when the spring and summer months arrive. The symptom most often associated with SAD is depression for unknown reasons accompanied by a desire to sleep more and eat … Continue reading Natural Therapies to turn your SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Days into Better Days
Holistic Treatments after a Diagnosis of ADD/ADHD
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in 1995 over 6 million prescriptions for Ritalin or similar stimulants were recommended by doctors as the conventional treatment for ADD/ADHD. The problem with this is that very few children see an increase in academic performance after being placed on Ritalin and a large majority of parents … Continue reading Holistic Treatments after a Diagnosis of ADD/ADHD
Acupressure to Help Everyday Aches and Pains
Acupressure is an age-old medical practice that many of us use on a daily basis without even being aware of it. Have you ever rubbed your temples when you had a headache? How about the back of your skull when your neck hurts? If you have – you’re already using acupressure! Acupressure is just harnessing … Continue reading Acupressure to Help Everyday Aches and Pains
The Sun and your Health — Benefits of Vitamin D
How come sitting in the sun and soaking up the rays on your face and body feels so good? Why as human beings do we migrate toward the light instead of the shade on a sunny day? Regardless of why our innate knowledge tells us to bask in the glory of the sun, science is … Continue reading The Sun and your Health — Benefits of Vitamin D
Heart Disease & Anatomy Overview — Symptoms and Prevention
An Overview of Heart Anatomy and Function The primary role of the heart is to pump deoxygenated blood from the body to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide, and then to return the newly oxygenated blood to the body. The human heart is comprised of four chambers, the right … Continue reading Heart Disease & Anatomy Overview — Symptoms and Prevention