Here we present credit scores explained in an easy to understand way. Understanding your credit score is crucial for managing your finances, whether you’re just starting to build credit or have been doing so for a while. A credit score is a number that represents your creditworthiness to lenders. Lenders use it to determine loan … Continue reading What is a Credit Score?
Category: Debt & Credit
Understanding debt and credit is crucial for maintaining good financial health, and seeking help if necessary is important. By following practical tips and advice, and managing debt and building credit through responsible financial practices, individuals can improve their financial standing and achieve their goals.
Earning, Spending, Saving (and Investing)
Learn about earning, spending, saving, and investing money. Learn how they are related and how you can build wealth. Earning Do you have an allowance? Have you done chores and got paid? Do you have a job? If you have, then you have earned money. Earnings refer to the money you earn from a job. … Continue reading Earning, Spending, Saving (and Investing)
I was playing Wordle and this happens…
Do you play Wordle, the viral online word game? Here is a fun class or lesson starter for the TikTok or YouTube generation of students on the topics of money and saving. Discuss with your students the importance of saving money and the problem of having too much debt, especially credit card debt. @moneymittens … Continue reading I was playing Wordle and this happens…
What is a Credit Card?
A credit card is a card that consumers can use to purchase goods and services. If you have a credit card, you agree to pay the credit card company the full cost of the item purchased as well as any fees or interest if applicable, at a later date. A credit card is essentially a … Continue reading What is a Credit Card?
5 Ways To Make Sure You Don’t Have Any Credit Card Debt
At some point each of us will be approached to sign-up for a credit card. Some of us decide we don’t want to take up the offer, citing that we don’t want to have spiraling uncontrollable credit card debt. Others decide to take up the offer, and that’s exactly what happens – spiraling uncontrollable debt! … Continue reading 5 Ways To Make Sure You Don’t Have Any Credit Card Debt
Options for Paying for College: Loans and Grants to Consider
Paying for college is stressful in any situation, but with economic hard times facing many people, it becomes even more important to look for options that can help you to get your college student through school, or help you to pay for your own schooling costs. Keep in mind, the competition for resources to pay … Continue reading Options for Paying for College: Loans and Grants to Consider
Business Credit: Your Best Asset Is Your Good Standing as a Creditor
Many companies do not realize the value of the “good credit” stamp until the stamp of “slow pay’ or “poor credit” is affixed to their business name. Your credit rating will affect everything from the discount you qualify for on credit purchases, to the amount of credit you may be extended by the bank. Most … Continue reading Business Credit: Your Best Asset Is Your Good Standing as a Creditor
The Pros & Cons of Making Yourself Bankrupt — Chapter 7
To many, chapter 7 bankruptcy – liquidation – proceedings are the most punitive form of debt management/repayment. While it many not be too difficult to understand why some creditors might wish to opt for this process, why would a debtor want to undergo this process? The following is a list of 5 pros and 5 … Continue reading The Pros & Cons of Making Yourself Bankrupt — Chapter 7
Knowing your Debt Relief Options in Law
With one out of every seven households in the US today either in the process of bankruptcy proceedings or having just completed bankruptcy proceedings, it has become vital that anyone who is currently experiencing debt management problems understands exactly what their debt relief options are. Here we discuss debt relief, law, and your available options. … Continue reading Knowing your Debt Relief Options in Law
How to Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney
Most people find out the hard way how easy it is to fall into dept. You have probably said to yourself “Oh what the hey, I deserve to splurge on myself from time to time,” to relieve your guilty mind about buying something you really don’t need and pay for more than you can afford. … Continue reading How to Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney
Information about the 2005 Bankruptcy Laws
Over the decades Americans have become accustomed to finding debt relief in the form of bankruptcy. Each year, one out of every seventy-five households in the United States files bankruptcy. In 2005, President George W. Bush signed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act; changing the laws that allow for debt relief of many … Continue reading Information about the 2005 Bankruptcy Laws
Life after Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can be a devastating process for anyone. You may even feel like you have failed in life. The truth is, we are all human and we make mistakes. Credit is like a fragile vase, once you drop it and it cracks, no matter how much you glue it back, somewhere, there will be a … Continue reading Life after Bankruptcy