Learn essential tips on how to protect your money from the new “Glue and Tap” ATM scam that’s targeting unsuspecting people. This guide explains how scammers trick you and what steps you can take to stay safe.
Here, you’ll learn about the “Glue and Tap” ATM scam, a sneaky trick that scammers are using to steal money from your bank account. You’ll discover how criminals use glue to disable ATM card slots, tricking people into tapping their cards instead. This guide will teach you the importance of ensuring your ATM session is fully closed and how to recognize suspicious behavior. By understanding these tactics, you’ll know how to protect your money and avoid falling victim to this dangerous scam. The focus is on keeping your finances safe by identifying and avoiding common ATM scams.
Don’t Get Scammed! Protect Your Money from the Glue and Tap ATM Scam
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